Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tome of Infinity

Another update... but, rather than have sad news and sad ramblings, I bring unto you a new blog. Well... an archive, but nevertheless. I call it "Tome of Infinity." It will house my works, poems and purple-prose-o'-doom. So, read at your own risk. This idea came to me when I was trying to sleep... like so many other ideas... and I decided to go with it. It's not a commitment of any kind and I know I can update it whenever I so please. So, it's quite useful.

Here's the site address:

I'll have all my works that I have on this computer up on Tome of Infinity, and I pray that you all will read it. Feedback would be nice. I again warn everyone the dangers of these writings. They're either mildly depressing or fucked up. Or, all over, terrible. But, I can't give you all my own opinion about my works... Just lemme know if you like them or not and... have fun? Or something.

Thanks for reading.

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